Before you plan to leave your Los Angeles house for summer vacations with your kids, you can take care of some very simple things around your house to prevent any kind of water damage while you were enjoying your vacation. A water damage can occur due to a pipe burst or even a natural disaster. This can cause serious financial loss. Most of the water damage clean up projects are successful if you restoration company is informed immediately, but this becomes pretty difficult if a sudden event occurs while you are away from your house. We want to help you enjoy your vacation without any stress and worries. If you have the peace of mind that your house is safe and secure, you will have a quality time with your family and friends. Here are some quick and easy steps that you can take to ensure water damage clean up project isn’t required when you return back home.
1: Have A Family Friend Check Your Home While You Are Away
Have some friend or a family member to visit your home regularly while you are still on your vacation. This is quite easy to remember if you have pets or plants that must be taken care of. However, ensuring water damage doesn’t occur is also important. If your home needs water damage cleans up, your friend will be able to recognize the damage and will call the local flood damage restoration on your behalf.
2: Check Your Piping For Water Damage
Often times, water damage occurs dues to pipe bursts. So, before you leave your house, take the time to inspect the piping underneath the sink or water heater and everywhere else to check for any damage. As a matter of fact, burst pipes are the number one cause of water damage clean up projects in Los Angeles county. Ensure that there are no leaks or crack will help reduce the likelihood of any unexpected damage.
3: Shut Off The Water Connections To Common Household Appliances
Disconnect the hoses of washing machine, refrigerator and dishwasher to reduce the likelihood of water damage event. Try to eliminate all of the hazards. It wouldn’t take you long and will help prevent you from the big damage. In case any of the hoses appeared damaged, replace them immediately before you leave for your trip.